Japan Europe Sales & Consulting
Europe Office
Schimmelmannstrasse 90
22926 Ahrensburg   
Tel. +49 8093 606-9801
Japan Office
Cross Border Technologies Inc.
1-41-408  Nagasaka, Tsuzuki-Ku
224-0063 Yokohama-City, Japan
Tel. +81 45 507-3922







JESC will help you to sell your high tech products in Japan and to generate additional revenues !


JESC help you to find license partners for your technology and to generate additional revenues !



28 years of experience in Japan and in Japaese business provides the insight  to clear  the cultural hurdles. With focus on high tech products and  technology our team of Japanese and other relevant specialists  will support you with sales tasks, business development activities, licensing and provides other support including  communication, contracts, product improvement ideas etc.

We will help you to understand  the requirements of the Japanese customer and tailor your strategy accordingly  . You will benefit of JESC experience to get access to the Japanese market , either to sell your product or your technology.


Axel Bialke, President JESC


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